Business Plan for Florists – Part 4 – Goal Setting

Flower peoples!!

Wrapping up our four-part series on writing your own Business Plan and today I'm going deep into goal setting.

Part 4 starts will understanding your own business' strengths and weaknesses and then focuses on identifying opportunities in the broader context of the industry you work in.

From there, we talk about setting financial goals for the next five years.

Finally, we get into the details and focus on what needs to happen in the next 3 - 12 months to build your business.

Download the Google Doc template here (don't forget to save it to your Google Drive so you can make it your own).

I cannot thank you enough for joining me on this journey and don't forget...if you have ANY QUESTIONS please don't hesitate at reach out via email or DM me on Instagram.

Follow me on Instagram for more tips and tricks every week as well as live Q&A sessions.

Sending you so much love and joy today peoples!




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